The most important attractions in Lanai

The most interesting landmarks in Lanai have its charm, these are places that must necessarily visit. Lanai is one of the smallest in Hawaii with a population of about 3000 people.

This makes it ideal for a family vacation to escape from the noisy city and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the Pacific. Overall this paradise in the Pacific is not built with the exception of two modern luxury complex in southern and Lanai City in the center.

Lanai is ideal for adventurous souls who are not fastidious about luxury and comfort. With the exception of Lanai City all other unpaved roads connect the different parts of the island.

Much of the coast is rocky and it is not for swimming. Three are the most important beaches with fine sand suitable for hiking and camping. The first is Manele Bay in the south of the island of Lanai, the only place for mooring of boats and small ships. Bookmark and Share

Attractions in Lanai photogallery

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The beaches of Lanai

No port, but it is convenient for taking to tourists who want to go into the ocean a short walk or fish. In little more luck you may see migrating whales. Hulopoe Bay in the recent past was a fishing village but is now beautiful sandy beach.

The beach looks like a crescent at one end adjoins the rock formations of lava.

Here you can see the acrobatic leaps of trained dolphins or whales air jets. In calm weather you can dive in the shallow waters of the bay. Shipwreck Beach - the longest beach on the island of Lanai, where you can walk freely and even find something interesting in the sand.

In the past, many ships have crashed in this coast because of shallow waters and strong currents. From here on a clear day you can see the shores of neighboring Hawaiian island of Molokai and Maui island.

Munro Trail - a pleasant footpath 13 kilometers long. Climbers managed to reach the highest point on the island of Lanai 1027 meters will enjoy unparalleled views. In the southern part of the island are so-called cathedrals. Ideal for scuba diving. In underwater cavities live very interesting creatures like octopus and fish streak.

Kanepuu Preserve - a small reserve area covered with typical Hawaiian plants. What makes Lanai unique place to visit? Firstly because of the unique sea views and the feeling that you're on an island. You will not see tall buildings and hear the noise of cars.

On the contrary apart from the noise of the wind in your hair and surf the waves, everything else is missing. The place is a favorite of couples decided to spend their honeymoon here. With good will and financial resources can visit the neighboring islands of Maui and Oahu.

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