Attractions in Myanmar according to global guides

The most interesting attractions in Myanmar are Buddhist temples and pagodas, which unfortunately are quite affected by time and historical events in the last centuries. However, it is worth a man to see them at least once in their lives.

Myanmar is one of the largest countries in Asia area. For some people, this country is known as the Burma, but since 1989. most English names of towns were renamed. Myanmar is a descendant of ancient history, and here the influence of both Greater China attractions and palaces in India and in the last century in England.

Shwedagon Pagoda - This is one of the most famous attractions in Myanmar is building and gilded Buddhist temple in the capital Yangon. Located at the highest point of the city and a noble metal building is over eight tons. The height of the dome is 98 meters, and date back to the 6-10 century BC.

Ananda Temple - Located in Bagan, one of the places with the most attractions in Myanmar. The temple is one of the few brick temples from early bagan period. Be sure to visit the cave shrine Wetkyi-in Gubyaukgyi and view the rock paintings and carvings and stucco decorations. In Bagan is a really interesting site - balloon flight over the ancient city. Bookmark and Share

Top attractions in Myanmar photo gallery

Myanmar Ananda Temple
Myanmar landmarks Bagan
Myanmar Golden Rock
Myanmar Inle Lake
Myanmar Pindaya caves
Myanmar Pindaya Pagodas
Myanmar Shwedagon Pagoda
Myanmar Taungkalat
Myanmar waterfalls
Myanmar Wetkyi in Gubyaukgyi

Ancient historical attractions in Myanmar

Be sure to enjoy the panoramic view from high up on the valley with the exquisite temples. Pagodas and temples are also in the city of Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar and the former capital of the country. This is the preferred place to visit for tourists in upper Burma.

Interest is collecting food at the monastery in Amarapura Mahagandayon and majestic view from Mandalay Hill to the river Irrawaddy. Another interesting attractions in Myanmar is a boat trip on Inle Lake. You will notice that fishermen paddle foot instead of hands.

Amazing beautiful attractions in Myanmar

Most prospects for Myanmar will impress a beautiful photo of a Buddhist monastery Taung Kalat. Located on top of an extinct volcano. You'll have to climb 777 steps to reach it this Buddhist temple. The view of the valley is incredibly beautiful.

Few in the side of the tourist attractions in Myanmar remains a town Pindaya, which is on Lake Botaloke. Right here in a huge cave kept thousands of Buddha images of gold, marble, teak wood and alabaster. The images of statues of different sizes and shapes made ​​most of the 11th century.

Outside the cave there is a whole set of connected among themselves pagodas and temples, which have varying degrees of decay in time. This place is visited by pilgrims mainly Shan and Danu Paoh, living near Pindaya.
Another interesting attractions in Myanmar Golden Rock. Stone itself weighs 600 tonnes and stands at the edge of a rock balanced somehow like every time you roll.

On top of this delicate stone pagoda was built where there is a lock of hair of Buddha holding the stone does not fall into the abyss. The stone is painted in gold paint and is located in Mount Paunglaung 200 km. southeast of Yangon.

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